Damn it, that's not funny!
Welcome to my little humour patch. "Le Monde" is a loose collection of essays I've written over the past few years about silly and fun things that have very little to do with either costuming or historical re-creation (except when they do). Relax and enjoy, and try not to get too offended - it's all meant in fun.
Er..., except when it's not. But you can usually tell.
Television - Reviews, commentary, disgust. 20 Million Miles to a Place That Isn't Very Friendly - new! The End Times, They Are A-Changin' - new! Category 7: part 1 Category 7: part 2 The Poseidon TV Adventure Network Earthquakes As Seen on Cable
Religion - as long as you don't stand too close, the lightining might not hit you that hard... Divine Liver and Onions Plywood Heresy
Shopping - tales from the Dollar Store and other horrors. Tales of the Dollar Store It's Super!
The SCA - dork, dork, dork. I'm Geek, You're Geek, We're All Geek Here - new! I Loves Me Some Minions. Mmmm, Tasty - new! Someone Left the Cake Out in the Rain Hand Sewing - What it all means Wino Wisdom
Conspiracy - What do you mean? It's all a conspiracy! Aliens Done Took My Sneakers It's All a Lie, I Tell You! More Sex, Lies, and Conspiracy Tapes
Not-so-Sweet Valentines - The scariest day of the year. Bizarre Love Rituals of the Ultra-Thrifty All You Need is Love (but all you'll get is chocolate) Ask Not For Whom The Bear Blushes... Candy Hearts and Bubble Gum Kiss-Offs Worst Valentine EVER Is It A Plot? Romance of the Living Dead Valentines and the Truly Pathetic Single Girl (a cautionary tale)
Olive and Egg Penguins - Essays of no fixed abode. What is That Smell?! - new! Panic Flow Chart - new! To Whom It May Concern - new! Antarctic Fun and Eggs Forays Into the World of Backdoor Medicine Warp on Drugs!
They call me the Angel of Death because I'm... not particularly safe to be around. |